Women Need Your Support

“Women’s dignity has often been unacknowledged…leading to a spiritual impoverishment of humanity.”

Pope St. John Paul II, Letter to Women

Pope St. John Paul II recognized the importance of women’s dignity decades ago, even before the current gender crisis in society was on anyone’s radar. As the feminist movement attempted to pursue equality for women, the culture quickly became confused about what makes women different from men — their identity and purpose. John Paul II noted that women have a “feminine genius” that makes the world a more honest and authentic place.

Endow’s mission is to carry JPII’s teachings on women’s dignity beyond the Vatican, inspiring and equipping women across numerous countries to face the current cultural crisis. With your support, every woman can come to know her feminine genius and in turn transform the world.

We price our study guides well below the cost of production and operations to keep them affordable for most women. Yet, we continue to receive requests from women across the globe in need of scholarships.

We need your support to bring Endow to every woman, no matter her financial situation.

Your donation of $40 will gift of an Endow study guide for a woman in college.

Your donation of $150 will gift a host mentorship call for a woman considering hosting an Endow group.

Your donation of $400 will sponsor entire an Endow group in need of scholarship assistance.

Endow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gifts are tax deductible.

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