93 pages – Suggested weeks to complete 8-12 weeks minimum

Table of Contents
Chapter One – What is Friendship?
Chapter Two – Being a Friend
Chapter Three – Obstacles to Friendship
Chapter Four – Deepest Friendship

A sample two-hour session
7:00 p.m. – Hellos
7:15–7:20 p.m. – Opening Prayer
7:20–8:50 p.m. – Read & Discuss
8:50 p.m. – Closing Prayers/Announcements
9:00 p.m. – Goodbyes

Creative ways to use these studies

  • Youth Groups – Youth Group leaders have used the Endow materials as part of their ongoing formation for girls in their programs.
  • Fun Summer Girls Club – During the summer, moms have created Endow groups for their daughters, meeting 4 times throughout the slower summer months. Combining social time and study time, these mothers create a fun and enjoyable group for their daughters to grow in friendship and discover their inherent dignity.
  • After School Study – Teachers have used the Endow study guides in their classrooms as well as part of an after-school program for young women who are interested in growing in formation.
  • Day Retreat – These materials can also be used as part of a day retreat for young women to discover their identity in Christ. Youth leaders and/or parents coordinate the parts of the study guide that they’d like to use.

Supplemental resources


My youngest daughter is a regular participator in your book studies with her friends.  I appreciate your work!


How do I make—and keep—friendships that are pleasing to God and will last a lifetime? This course focuses on a young woman’s natural ability to form meaningful friendships marked with depth and love. They will discover how they are called to act upon their girl genius in relationships, with prayer, and in their actions to help others. Girls will study papal writings, learn what makes a good friend, and discover why Jesus is truly the perfect friend.

Navigating the study
This three-part series was created for young women in middle school for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.

  • Defining Dignity
  • Forming Friendships 
  • Loving Leadership

Each study guide has 4 Chapters and includes hands on activities, discussion questions and prayer. The guides can be used one per year or can be compiled into an accelerated course within a semester format. Adapt these resources for your daughter, granddaughter and students!

Through reading aloud, group discussion, and dynamic activities, young women are introduced to their identity as daughters of God and their role in the Church and society through the intellectual tradition of our Catholic faith. Through these studies, they will grow in knowledge and understanding of the faith, leading to the development of virtue and a more active interior life. Ultimately, the goal of the Endow Middle School Study Series is to draw young women into a deeper, more profound relationship with Jesus Christ, the author of our dignity as women.

Written by Brigid DeMoor, Mercy Gutierrez, and Gina Warner. Edited by Kate Sweeney and Madelynn Winstead.

Tips and tricks

  • We recommend that a young adult, young mom, or engaging mom lead the group and host. Each group will do this differently, but it is important that this be a dynamic time of encounter with our Church’s inheritance and not simply reading the text.
  • It is important to keep the meetings as focused and fun as possible. This will depend on the group, but we recommend at least an hour for the meeting and no more than 2 hours. There should be lots of opportunities for movement, activities as well as questions and journaling. One group we know met for 4 3-hour sessions which included social time.
  • The key to sharing the inheritance of the Faith within any Endow group is for each host to have the freedom and confidence to adapt the material to each group according to their specific needs.

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