Suggested weeks to complete 8-10 weeks minimum
Table of Contents
Chapter One – What is Love?
Chapter Two – Loving Your Family
Chapter Three – What is Friendship?
Chapter Four – Romantic Love
Chapter Five – Loving Like God
Chapter Six – Union with God, Union with Others
A sample two-hour session
7:00 p.m. – Hellos
7:15–7:20 p.m. – Opening Prayer
7:20–8:50 p.m. – Read & Discuss
8:50 p.m. – Closing Prayers/Announcements
9:00 p.m. – Goodbyes
Supplemental resources
- Audio Chapter 1 of Created for Community: High School Book 2
- How to Host an Endow Study Group for Teens (PDF)
- The Endow High School Studies: A Conversation with the author Teresa Hodgins
- High School Study Series Launch Event Recording
- Catholic Exchange: Affirming Teens in their God-Given Dignity
- Catholic Exchange: Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women with Annette Bergeon
- Aleteia: These new Catholic studies speak to the hearts of teen girls
- The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis
- The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
- Love is a Choice: Life of St. Gianna Molla (Documentary)
- Are You a Teacher? The Litany of Fortitude for Teachers
- The Identity Prayer
- Are you an educator? Pray this Litany of Fortitude
- Pearl & Thistle: An innovative approach to lifelong body literacy for Catholics
- The Risk of Education: A Conversation with Emilia Chornay
When I encountered Endow I thought to myself, finally! This is it! Endow is a pot of gold.
This second study examines the question, “What is Love” through an exploration of CS Lewis’ Four Loves as well as an introduction of Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages. It explores the purpose of friendship and outlines how to identify a good friend. In discussing several holy friendships, including Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross as well as Saint Francis de Sales and Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, the concept of true friendship is further solidified. The study concludes with an exploration of the difference between love and lust and introduces the concept of dating with intention, allowing young women to understand the critical importance of surrounding themselves with those who desire what is best for them and will enable them to flourish.
Navigating the study
This four-part series was created for young women in high school.
- Created for Love
- Created for Community
- Created for Holiness
- Created for Mission
Through reading aloud, group discussion, and dynamic activities, young women are introduced to their identity as daughters of God and their role in the Church and society through the intellectual tradition of our Catholic faith. Through these studies, they will grow in knowledge and understanding of the faith, leading to the development of virtue and a more active interior life. Ultimately, the goal of the Endow High School Study Series is to draw young women into a deeper, more profound relationship with Jesus Christ, the author of our dignity as women.
Creative ways to use these studies
- High School Youth Groups
- Home Study with Friends
- High School Religion Classes
- Day or Weekend Retreats
- Summer Study
We are here to support you
Throughout your study, as spiritual, theological, or pastoral questions arise, please contact us for support at [email protected]. Please also consider emailing testimonies from your group! We love to hear what the Lord is doing with your young women!
Created for Community promotional kit
Wondering what to do with the boys?
- “Into the Breach” -Bishop Olmsted’s Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men
- Man of the Household
- Fraternus
- That Man Is You!
Or a mixed group?
- Endow’s Study Guide on Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life) is a gender-neutral study appropriate for high school students.